Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We're in the middle of our red-eye to Fort Collins, CO from Wichita; we've just crossed into Colorado, so we're over halfway! Yesterday (we'll call it that even though it doesn't feel like it since we haven't got to sleep yet. . .) we stopped at the guitar store in Wichita and saw this awesome car parked out front. The best part was the vintage Montana plates. Totally rad. Once we got to Kirby's after we'd done our laundry (right next door to the venue, conveniently) we met the newest addition to the Kirby's scene. We've learned to expect the unexpected there! This little guy took a liking to us, cuddled up, and then proceeded to walk all over the computer while Chris was trying to write emails. Once we started playing, she sat on the front of the stage, first watching and then curling up and going to sleep until we finished playing. Anyone who has a home for a sweet, music-loving cute cat in the Wichita area, contact Kirby's. . .
Right before we were about to go on, two bagpipers marched in playing. You never know what's going to happen next at Kirby's! We had a throughly enjoyable evening, both as listeners and performers. We'll be back through Wichita at Kirby's in no time. . .

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